The War on Christmas Came to Cleveland

December 26, 2006

This year has witnessed unprecedented levels of secular attacks on what is supposed to be the most sacred of Christian holidays, Christmas, in what I thought was the most Christian nation on the planet, America.
The latest attack wasn’t even in some coastal blue state, but rather, in the Midwest- our heartland.
A suburban terrorist, called Captain Obvious by the authorities, defaced a Cleveland church’s nativity scene on Christmas morning.
You read me right- he didn’t protest it, he defiled it.
Captain Obvious placed a cute little calendar up in the manger setting the date at April 14, 5 B.C.
Every year some historian tries to place the birth of Christ on a new date, hoping to discredit the Bible.
How childish.
When will these “scientists” learn that faith isn’t based on which exact minute our savior was born?
The perpetrator also permanently ruined the figures by applying black shoe polish to give them blackface- a smart move in these racially-sensitive times.
I say it proves this Captain Obvious is the racist, not the white congregation that chooses to remember Jesus in their own image.
Obvious also filled the mock stable with live cows stolen from a nearby farm.
So, to this character, it’s funny to steal livestock from hard-working farmers on Christmas morning and to see cow dung on Baby Jesus.
Yeah, that’s real funny.
I have to say, that’s one thing I respect about the Muslims- if you desecrate Mohammed, they go ape.
I wish a few more Christian Americans were that devoted.
And what about this newspaper reporter, Charles Figgler, who’s been hyping this terrorist up with a bunch of sensational stories?
If you ask me, Figgler is a big part of the problem.
He’s just another cog in the liberal media machine, giving unwarranted attention to a leftist anarchist, and I'm sorry to say he works for the same newspaper chain as me.
I suppose the Charles Figglers of the world would rather Captain Obvious was in charge.
Well, this journalist isn't just going to sit back and wait to see how the secular progressives, liberal media and thugs like Captain Obvious gut Christmas.
I'm putting my money where my mouth is.
This morning I called Father Chuck Wallace of the First Presbyterian Church in Cleveland and told him I would pay for a brand new nativity set so he and his congregation won't have to face the soiled remnants of Captain Obvious' dirty work next year.
I also call on P.F. Jones and the JMG board, along with the Post Cleveland editors, to fire this Figgler if he continues to glorify criminals like Obvious.
The fact is our culture is going through a fierce civil war that rivals what our Iraqi brothers and sisters are facing.
Have you picked a side?

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